JR recovery2fitness Covid Policy
JR recovery2fitness Covid Policy
This Covid Policy describes the checklist you should use before each session.
I have read all the information relating to my potential exposure to Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
I understand that there is a potential risk of transmission of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as a result of attending the clinic and/or receiving treatment
Should I have any questions that arise between submitting this form and up to and including when my appointment starts, I will raise these with the clinical team member before any treatment takes place
I understand that from the 1st August 2021 a face covering is recommended when in the clinic
I have read, agreed to and understood the statement relating to the Coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2) risk and consent to receiving care at JR Recovery2Fitness
I understand my details will be provided to NHS test and trace if requested. This information will include name, phone number, email address and age